
.Friday Night

The Sound Machine (2008)

Based on Roald Dahl book.

Well, Prelims have started. Unfortunately, I haven't turned into a toad. A muggertoad. But oh wells. Thank God its not the Os yet. Anyways, theres something which I realised after I posted my last post. You know the 123rd school day coincidence thing? Turns out I was wrong. We had our HCL Oral on the 100th school day not 123rd school day. My bad.

So, stuff I did in the last 5 days. There was the Prom Kings and Queens. Donovan, WeiLiang, Anna, Jerlyn. Yay. They're so not gonna make the Top12. But it won't matter if Prom's in school. No one would go. At least the PSG arn't being shitasses anymore.

English OLevel Oral. Check. Was okay. Conversation was kinda boohoo. I think my reading was dope. I think. But was freaking pekcek. Freaking frigging pekcek. Arrsshhh~! Its times like this when I just want to dig a hole and fill it up with empty soda cans. Oh wells. Its over. Hopefully, some miracle could happen.

Oh, another OLevel thing. Os Chinese results came back. You know what, my A2 in January really wasn't that bad. Poor peeps got B3. Feel bad for them you know. Especially Kelyn. Really sucks. I was sad for them okay. No sacarsm. For real. Sam too. Damn man. Getting back results suck. But, well, Leslie became a man.

So, Prelims are so far okay, I guess. One funny little thing, though, was SocialStudies. You know how we spot the chapters for the SEQ? Well, Yours Sincerely here studied 6 out of the 9 chapters. Happily, he strode into the examination hall, confident that at least one of the 3 questions would be one of the 6 chapters he'd studied. To his delight, as he turned to the back of the examination script, he discovered that all 3 questions were exactly all 3 that he hadn't study. So with a smile on his face, he realised theres no way he could pass. Hurray!

So yea, thats my SSS - Social Studies Story. Anyways, Geog1 was okay. Phew. I really did study for it okay.

That was yesterday by the way. Yesterday also had something else. Jasmine's birthday chalet. It was good I guess. Had fun. Recorded an impromptu song with Joel. Its wicked yo. Seriously. Too bad Abby didn't know the lyrics to Remembering Sunday or Three Cheers for Five Years. Oh and unfortunately, couldn't stay over. It would have been great, but alas, I am having my Prelims now ain't I? So Dexter and Jabez with 8 girls. Damn. Imagine...

Okay. There really isn't much left anymore. Oh, finally can continue watching MonsterRancher. Found a dude who uploads the videos. Yay Hurray! Stupid MegaVideo sucks. No wonder Youtube is owning its ass. All the other video places suckshit. Oh wells. Woohoo to the Youtube guys.

Erm. Faith said my blog is wordy and not fun to read. So, that means in the future when I look back at this blog, I'll be too lazy to read some of the posts. Which means, all this kinda would become pointless. Damn. Is it really too wordy? The tagboard sure isn't. Thats a hint.

Well, Amaths paper up next, accompanied with ELit. Hope the Mockingbird flies with me. Woo Woo~~ Im calling the Mockingbird. Im lame.

Hmmm. Zim Zam Zoom. Got like 5 full songs. Without lyrics unfortunately. I need Prelims to end so can go ZHR(ZhuHouRen)'s house again. Bom chika chika bom bom bom ka, Booya!

Finally on good terms.

Try to spread germs.

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